AI (Awag Isle) Fish Farm is an ambitious venture that focuses on nurturing bangus (milkfish) and aims to supply bangus fingerlings to fishpond and cage owners, not only in Barangay Awag, but also in nearby Barangays of Anda and Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines. Additionally, the farm produces and supplies market-size bangus in some well-known fish ports.

Awag Isle (AI) Fish Farm is a local fishpond serving Barangay Awag, Anda Pangasinan, and the surrounding area.

Les bangus l'adorent en raison du nombre d'intermédiaires avant qu'il n'atteigne le bassin et parce que la nourriture est très chère.


Ainsi, si les intermédiaires diminuent et que les aliments deviennent moins chers, le prix du bangus baissera définitivement.

Bangus fingerlings

From fry to fingerlings to marketable size, AI Fish Farm has a selection of fresh bangus for harvest. 

Bangus small

Our fish is nurtured in a fishpond with source water from natural seawater near the pond, which adds freshness to the fish. 

Bangus medium

Our fish is unique and tasty, and its freshness lasts for a longer time. 

I got fresh bangus from AI Fish Farm last week, but I never cooked all of them. And unfortunately, I forgot the remaining fish which I kept in our refrigerator for almost a month. But to my surprise when I cooked it the taste was still good, and my family still loved it.